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How to fix ‘Airways blocked’ issues on your Dyson 360 Vis Nav™ robot vacuum

If you own a Dyson 360 Vis Nav™ robot vacuum and you’ve been encountering issues with blocked airways, don’t worry! We’re here to help you fix the problem. When your robot stops mid-clean, it’s a sign that something requires your attention. The MyDyson app and LCD screen on the robot will alert you to the issue, and in this article, we’ll outline the steps you need to follow to get your vacuum back to working order.

To fix the ‘Airways blocked’ issue, start by pressing the red bin release button on the top of your robot and lifting the bin away. Empty the bin by firmly sliding the red bin release button, and ensure that the bin inlet flap moves freely. Check for any debris in the bin inlet and remove it, then examine the airway behind the bin. If there is any debris, remove it as well. Additionally, you’ll need to remove the brush bar, clean any debris from the airway behind it, and make sure that the airway is completely clear. Once you’ve completed these steps, you can restart your robot from where it previously stopped cleaning. If the issue persists, refer to the filter wash film for further assistance.

Fixing ‘Airways blocked’ issues

Is your robot vacuum cleaner constantly giving you the frustrating ‘Airways blocked’ error message? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through step-by-step instructions on how to fix this issue and get your robot vacuum back up and running smoothly.

See the How to fix Airways blocked issues on your Dyson 360 Vis Nav™ robot vacuum in detail.

Checking the bin inlet

The first step in resolving the ‘Airways blocked’ issue is to check the bin inlet. Often, this problem can occur if the bin inlet is clogged with dirt, hair, or other debris. Begin by removing the bin from the robot. Inspect the inlet for any visible blockages. If you notice any, carefully remove them using a pair of tweezers or a small brush. It’s essential to be gentle while doing this to avoid damaging the inlet.

Removing debris from the airway behind the bin

While the bin is removed, take a moment to check the airway behind it for any accumulated debris. Over time, dirt and debris can build up in this area, obstructing the airflow and triggering the ‘Airways blocked’ message. Use a soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a narrow attachment to remove any visible dirt or dust from the airway. This simple step can significantly improve the overall performance of your robot vacuum.

Removing the brush bar

A frequently overlooked component that can contribute to the ‘Airways blocked’ issue is the brush bar. To properly clean and inspect the brush bar, you’ll need to remove it from the robot vacuum. Refer to your vacuum’s manual for instructions on how to detach the brush bar safely. Once removed, take a close look at the bristles for any entangled hair or debris. Use a pair of scissors or your fingers to carefully remove any obstructions.

Clearing debris from the airway behind the brush bar

Now that the brush bar is out of the way, it’s time to address the airway behind it. Like the bin airway, this area can become congested with dirt and debris over time. Take a flashlight and shine it into the airway to spot any hidden blockages. If you see any, gently remove them using a cotton swab or a small brush. Taking the time to thoroughly clean this area will ensure optimal airflow and prevent future ‘Airways blocked’ issues.

Ensuring the airway is completely clear

After removing any visible debris from both the bin airway and the brush bar airway, it’s crucial to double-check that they are entirely clear. Shine the flashlight through each airway again and inspect for any remaining obstructions. If you notice anything, repeat the cleaning process until the airways are completely unblocked. This step is vital to prevent the issue from recurring shortly after resolving it.

Securing the brush bar back into place

With the airways clear, it’s time to reattach the brush bar to its designated spot. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper reinstallation. Once secured, give the brush bar a gentle spin by hand to confirm that it’s rotating smoothly. This step will help you identify any misalignment or potential issues before moving forward.

Reattaching the bin

Now that the brush bar is back in place, it’s time to reattach the bin to the robot vacuum. Carefully align the bin with the designated slot and firmly push it back until you hear a satisfying click or see a visual confirmation. It’s essential to ensure the bin is correctly in place; otherwise, the vacuum may still display an ‘Airways blocked’ error.

Find your new How to fix Airways blocked issues on your Dyson 360 Vis Nav™ robot vacuum on this page.

Restarting the robot

After completing all the previous steps, power on your robot vacuum and confirm whether the ‘Airways blocked’ error message has disappeared. If the problem has been successfully resolved, you’re good to go! However, if the error persists, it may be necessary to perform an additional troubleshooting step.

Refer to the filter wash film if problem persists

If you’ve followed all the steps outlined above and the ‘Airways blocked’ issue still persists, it’s time to consult your vacuum cleaner’s manual for further assistance. The filter wash film section is an excellent resource to troubleshoot persistent airflow problems. It will provide you with detailed instructions on how to clean or replace the filter, which could be causing the persistent error message.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can easily fix the ‘Airways blocked’ issue plaguing your robot vacuum cleaner. Remember to regularly perform these maintenance tasks to prevent future obstructions and ensure optimal performance. Enjoy a hassle-free cleaning experience with your robot companion!

Discover more about the How to fix Airways blocked issues on your Dyson 360 Vis Nav™ robot vacuum.

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