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How To Tell What Roomba I Have

So you’ve got yourself a Roomba and now you’re trying to figure out which model it is? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll show you a simple and foolproof way to determine exactly what type of Roomba you have. Whether you’ve inherited it, bought it second-hand, or just can’t remember the model number, we’ll help you unveil the mystery behind your trusty cleaning companion. So sit back, relax, and let’s get to the bottom of “How To Tell What Roomba I Have.”

How To Tell What Roomba I Have

Roomba Identification

When it comes to identifying your specific Roomba model, it’s important to understand the various Roomba series and their key features. By checking the model number, you can easily determine which Roomba series and generation you own, as well as any additional features it may have. Let’s dive into each section to gain a thorough understanding of Roomba identification.

Understanding Roomba Models

Roomba models are categorized into different series, each offering unique features and functionalities. By familiarizing yourself with the various Roomba series, you can gain a better understanding of what your Roomba is capable of and what sets it apart from other models on the market.

Checking the Model Number

To accurately identify your specific Roomba model, you will need to locate the model number, which contains valuable information about the series, generation, and additional features of your Roomba. By interpreting the model number, you can determine key details about your Roomba and its capabilities.

Different Roomba Series

Roomba offers a range of series, each tailored to different cleaning needs and preferences. Let’s take a closer look at each Roomba series and explore their distinguishing features.

Roomba 600 Series

The Roomba 600 series comprises entry-level models that deliver reliable cleaning performance. These models are equipped with essential features such as a 3-stage cleaning system, automatic docking, and virtual wall barriers. They are ideal for everyday cleaning on various floor types.

Roomba 700 Series

The Roomba 700 series offers an upgrade from the 600 series, with enhanced cleaning technologies and added convenience features. These models feature dual multi-surface brushes, advanced dirt detection, and a full bin indicator. They also support scheduling and have a larger dirt bin capacity.

Roomba 800 Series

Designed for more thorough cleaning, the Roomba 800 series boasts improved suction power and tangle-free debris extractors. These models are equipped with AeroForce cleaning technology that provides up to five times more air power for deeper cleaning. They also have responsive navigation and are compatible with virtual wall lighthouses.

Roomba 900 Series

The Roomba 900 series offers advanced cleaning capabilities with innovative features such as mapping and navigation technology. These models use iAdapt 2.0 navigation technology to efficiently navigate and clean multiple rooms. They also feature a high-efficiency filter and have a longer battery life.

Roomba i Series

The Roomba i series represents the latest advancements in Roomba technology. These models feature the Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal, which allows the Roomba to empty its own bin. They also use Imprint Smart Mapping to learn and adapt to your home’s layout, providing more efficient and targeted cleaning.

How To Tell What Roomba I Have

Key Features of Each Series

Every Roomba series comes with its own set of unique features. Let’s take a closer look at the key features that distinguish each Roomba series.

Roomba 600 Series Features

The Roomba 600 series features a 3-stage cleaning system that agitates, brushes, and suctions dirt from your floors. These models have cliff detection sensors to prevent falls and are compact in size, allowing them to clean even in tight spaces. Additionally, they have a runtime of approximately 60 minutes before needing to recharge.

Roomba 700 Series Features

The Roomba 700 series offers dual multi-surface brushes that effectively handle pet hair, dust, and debris. These models have dirt detect sensors that identify areas with higher concentrations of dirt for a more thorough clean. They also come with a remote control for easy operation and scheduling.

Roomba 800 Series Features

The Roomba 800 series features AeroForce cleaning technology, which delivers a powerful and efficient cleaning performance. These models have a high-efficiency filter that captures dust, pollen, and other allergens, making them ideal for allergy sufferers. They also come with a home base for automatic docking and recharging.

Roomba 900 Series Features

The Roomba 900 series introduces iAdapt 2.0 navigation technology, allowing these models to efficiently navigate and clean multiple rooms. They have a gen 2 motor that provides increased suction power, ensuring a thorough cleaning performance. These models also come with a tangle-free debris extractor, reducing maintenance and tangling issues.

Roomba i Series Features

The Roomba i series stands apart with advanced features like Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal. This feature allows the Roomba to automatically empty its bin into the Clean Base, eliminating the need for manual emptying. These models also offer personalized cleaning schedules, smart home integration, and enhanced voice control with compatibility for Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

Locating the Model Number

To identify your Roomba model accurately, you’ll need to locate the model number, which can be found in a few different places. Here are the common locations where you can find the model number of your Roomba.

Underside of the Roomba

The underside of your Roomba is a common place to find the model number. Flip your Roomba over and look for a label or sticker on the bottom. The model number is typically printed on this label along with other relevant information about your Roomba.

On the Battery Door

If your Roomba has a removable battery, there may be a label or sticker on the battery door that displays the model number. Open the battery door and check for any markings that indicate the model number of your Roomba.

In the App or Software

If you have the Roomba app or software installed on your mobile device or computer, you can generally find the model number within the settings or information section. Navigate to the appropriate area within the app or software to locate the model number associated with your specific Roomba.

Interpreting the Model Number

Once you have located your Roomba’s model number, it’s time to decipher the information it provides. The model number contains valuable details about the series, generation, and additional features of your Roomba.

Decoding the Model Number

The model number typically consists of a combination of letters and numbers. Each part of the model number represents specific information about your Roomba. By understanding the various components, you can decode the model number and gain insights into your Roomba’s specifications.

Identifying the Series and Generation

Within the model number, there are usually indicators that represent the series and generation of your Roomba. These indicators can vary, so it’s essential to refer to a guide or Roomba documentation to understand what each indicator represents for your specific model.

Determining Additional Features

The model number may also include indicators or codes that represent additional features or accessories that your Roomba may have. These additional features can range from virtual wall barriers to advanced navigation technology. By understanding these indicators, you can determine the unique capabilities of your Roomba.

Roomba 600 Series

The Roomba 600 series is a popular entry-level option that provides reliable cleaning performance. This series includes various models designed to meet your specific cleaning needs. Let’s take a closer look at the overview of Roomba 600 models and how to identify them.

Overview of Roomba 600 Models

The Roomba 600 series includes models such as the Roomba 614, Roomba 620, and Roomba 690, among others. These models share common features such as a 3-stage cleaning system, automatic docking, and various sensors for effective cleaning and navigation. The Roomba 600 series is an excellent choice for everyday cleaning on different floor types.

Identifying Roomba 600 Models

To identify whether your Roomba belongs to the 600 series, refer to the model number. Look for indicators such as “600” or specific model numbers starting with “6.” These indicators typically correspond to the Roomba 600 series. You can also cross-reference the model number with the manufacturer’s documentation or contact iRobot customer support for further confirmation.

Roomba 700 Series

The Roomba 700 series offers an upgrade from the entry-level Roomba 600 series, providing additional features and improved cleaning capabilities. Let’s explore the overview of Roomba 700 models and how to identify them accurately.

Overview of Roomba 700 Models

The Roomba 700 series includes models like the Roomba 760, Roomba 770, and Roomba 780, to name a few. These models offer advanced features such as dual multi-surface brushes for efficient cleaning, dirt detect sensors that identify dirt concentration areas, and a full bin indicator to let you know when it’s time to empty the bin. The Roomba 700 series is a great option for those seeking enhanced cleaning performance and convenience.

Identifying Roomba 700 Models

To determine if your Roomba is part of the 700 series, refer to the model number. Look for indicators like “700” or specific model numbers starting with “7.” These indicators are typically associated with the Roomba 700 series. Additionally, you can consult the user manual or reach out to iRobot customer support for further guidance.

Identifying Roomba i Series Models

The Roomba i series represents the latest and most advanced models in the Roomba lineup. With cutting-edge features and innovative technology, these models offer unparalleled cleaning performance. Let’s explore how to identify Roomba i series models accurately.

Comparing Physical Appearance

One way to identify Roomba i series models is by comparing their physical appearance to that of other Roomba models. The Roomba i series usually features a distinct design and color scheme that sets it apart from other Roomba models. Look for features like a sleek exterior, a Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal, and metal finishes to determine if your Roomba is from the i series.

Referring to the Model Number

The most foolproof way to determine if your Roomba is from the i series is by checking the model number. Look for indicators such as “i” or specific model numbers starting with “i.” These indicators usually indicate that your Roomba belongs to the i series. If you’re unsure, consult the manufacturer’s documentation or get in touch with iRobot customer support for clarification.

With this comprehensive guide on Roomba identification, you should now have a better understanding of how to determine the model and series of your Roomba. Remember to check the model number and familiarize yourself with the key features of each series to ensure you make the most of your Roomba’s capabilities.

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