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Why Do My Curls Fall Out With Dyson Airwrap?

Have you ever wondered why your curls just don’t hold when using the Dyson Airwrap? Despite its innovative technology and promises of long-lasting curls, you might find yourself frustrated as your hair quickly reverts back to its natural state. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why your curls seem to fall out with the Dyson Airwrap, and provide you with some helpful tips and techniques to ensure that your curls stay bouncy and beautiful all day long. So sit back, relax, and let’s uncover the secrets behind those elusive, long-lasting curls with the Dyson Airwrap.

Potential Causes of Curls Falling Out

Improper Technique

One potential cause of your curls falling out could be improper technique. If you are not using the correct technique when using the Dyson Airwrap or any other curling tool, your curls may not hold well. It’s important to learn the proper technique for using the Dyson Airwrap to ensure that your curls are long-lasting and bouncy.

Inadequate Product Usage

Another potential cause of your curls falling out is inadequate product usage. Using the right hair products can make a big difference in how well your curls hold. Before using the Dyson Airwrap, make sure to prep your hair with a heat protectant spray and apply a styling product that is designed to enhance curl retention. This will help create a good foundation for your curls and ensure they stay put throughout the day.

Hair Type and Texture

The type and texture of your hair can also play a role in how well your curls hold. Some hair types, such as fine or straight hair, may have a harder time holding curls compared to thick or wavy hair. If you have fine or straight hair, you may need to take extra steps to help your curls stay in place, such as using stronger hold products or curling smaller sections of hair at a time.

Insufficient Heat Control

Using the wrong heat setting on the Dyson Airwrap can also cause your curls to fall out. If the heat is too high, it can damage your hair and cause the curls to loosen. On the other hand, if the heat is too low, your curls may not set properly. It’s important to find the right heat setting for your hair type and adjust accordingly to ensure that your curls last.

Incorrect Barrel Attachment

Using the incorrect barrel attachment on the Dyson Airwrap can also contribute to your curls falling out. Each barrel attachment is designed for different types of curls, and using the wrong one can result in curls that won’t hold. Make sure to use the barrel attachment that is suitable for the type of curls you want to achieve to ensure optimal results and longer-lasting curls.

Inadequate Hold Products

Not using the right hold products or using them incorrectly can also cause your curls to fall out. It’s important to choose products that are specifically formulated to enhance curl retention and follow the instructions on how to use them. Applying too much or too little product can affect the longevity of your curls, so make sure to use them wisely.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors, such as humidity and wind, can also affect the durability of your curls. High humidity can cause curls to expand and lose their shape, while strong winds can blow them out of place. If you live in a humid or windy environment, consider using stronger hold products or incorporating techniques like pinning or braiding your curls to help them withstand these external factors.

Excessive Hair Length

If you have long hair, the weight of your hair can cause your curls to fall out more quickly. The longer your hair, the more likely it is for the curls to loosen and lose their shape. Trimming your hair regularly to remove any excessive length can help your curls last longer and maintain their bounce.

Electrostatic Charge

Electrostatic charge can also cause your curls to fall out. This often occurs when the air is dry, and static electricity builds up in your hair. To reduce electrostatic charge, consider using a moisturizing hair product or a leave-in conditioner to keep your hair hydrated. Additionally, using an anti-static spray or a small amount of hair oil can help control any flyaways and keep your curls intact.

Hair Health and Condition

The overall health and condition of your hair can impact how well your curls hold. If your hair is dry, damaged, or lacks moisture, it will be more difficult for the curls to set and stay. Ensure that you are taking good care of your hair by using hydrating and nourishing hair products, getting regular trims to remove split ends, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and proper hydration.

Why Do My Curls Fall Out With Dyson Airwrap?

Tips to Prevent Curls from Falling Out

Use the Correct Technique

To prevent your curls from falling out, it’s essential to use the correct technique when using the Dyson Airwrap or any other curling tool. Take the time to watch tutorials or read the user manual to learn the proper curling technique. This includes sectioning your hair properly and wrapping the hair around the barrel in the right direction. Using the correct technique will ensure that your curls are formed correctly and have a better chance of staying in place.

Follow the Instructions

When using the Dyson Airwrap or any other hair styling tool, it’s important to read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The instructions will provide valuable information on how to use the tool effectively and safely. Following the instructions will help you achieve better results and minimize the risk of your curls falling out.

Consider Your Hair Type

Take your hair type into account when styling your hair with the Dyson Airwrap. As mentioned earlier, different hair types require different techniques and adjustments. If you have fine or straight hair, consider using smaller barrel attachments or curling smaller sections of hair at a time. If you have thick or wavy hair, you may be able to use larger barrel attachments. Understanding your hair type will help you choose the right approach for curling your hair and make your curls last longer.

Adjust Heat Settings Accordingly

Pay attention to the heat settings on the Dyson Airwrap and adjust them accordingly to your hair type. Fine or damaged hair may require lower heat settings, while thicker or coarser hair may need higher heat settings for the curls to set properly. Finding the right balance of heat will help your curls hold better and reduce the risk of heat damage to your hair.

Choose the Right Barrel Attachment

Selecting the appropriate barrel attachment for the type of curls you want to achieve is crucial. The Dyson Airwrap offers different barrels for different curl styles, such as loose waves, voluminous curls, or tighter ringlets. Using the right barrel attachment will help you achieve the desired curls and increase the chances of them lasting longer.

Use Hold Products Wisely

Incorporate hold products into your styling routine to help your curls stay in place. Opt for products that are specifically designed to enhance curl retention, such as curl creams, mousses, or hairsprays. Apply the products sparingly, focusing on the mid-lengths and ends of your hair, as using too much product can weigh down your curls. Experiment with different hold products to find the ones that work best for your hair type and desired style.

Take Environmental Factors into Account

Consider the environmental factors that can influence your curls’ durability and adapt your routine accordingly. If you know you will be in a high-humidity environment, use extra hold products or consider styling your hair in a way that will protect the curls, such as pinning or braiding them. If you anticipate strong winds, apply hairspray or anti-frizz products to help keep your curls in place.

Trim Excess Hair Length

If you have long hair and notice that your curls tend to fall out quickly, consider getting regular trims to remove any excess length. Trimming your hair will not only make it healthier but also remove some weight, making it easier for your curls to hold their shape. Consult with a professional hairstylist to determine how much length needs to be removed to improve curl retention.

Reduce Electrostatic Charge

To reduce static electricity and prevent your curls from falling out, take steps to minimize electrostatic charge in your hair. Using moisturizing and hydrating hair products, such as leave-in conditioners or hair masks, can help keep your hair hydrated and prevent static. Additionally, using an anti-static spray or a small amount of hair oil can help reduce flyaways and keep your curls intact.

Maintain Hair Health and Condition

Taking care of your hair’s overall health and condition is essential for maintaining long-lasting curls. Follow a regular hair care routine that includes shampooing, conditioning, and applying nourishing treatments suitable for your hair type. Avoid using excessive heat or chemical treatments that can damage your hair. Keeping your hair healthy and well-nourished will enhance its ability to hold curls and minimize the risk of them falling out.

Why Do My Curls Fall Out With Dyson Airwrap?


If you find that your curls are falling out with the Dyson Airwrap or any other curling tool, there could be several potential causes. Improper technique, inadequate product usage, hair type and texture, insufficient heat control, incorrect barrel attachment, inadequate hold products, environmental factors, excessive hair length, electrostatic charge, and hair health and condition can all contribute to curls that won’t hold. By following the tips provided, you can prevent your curls from falling out and ensure that they last longer. Remember to use the correct technique, adjust heat settings accordingly, choose the right barrel attachment, consider your hair type, and take into account environmental factors. Using suitable hold products, reducing electrostatic charge, trimming excess hair length, and maintaining the health and condition of your hair will also help your curls stay in place. With these tips and a little practice, you can achieve beautiful, long-lasting curls that won’t fall out. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to